1970s – History and SPL Programs


It is easy to dismiss the 1970s as the decade that never happened. The political and cultural trends of the 1960s continued to dominate life in the United States at least until President Richard Nixon’s resignation in 1974; the political and cultural trends of the 1980s were manifested with increasing visibility for the remainder of the decade. Feminism, drugs, progressive education, busing, pornography, exotic religions, paranoia, welfare, ethnic politics, long hair, blue jeans, platform shoes, and amphetamines lingered from the 1960s. Conservativism, cowboys, televangelists, flag-waving, energy saving, rising cost of living, teen moms, pickup trucks, overseas investments, Sun Belt shift, cocaine, sound bites, and acid rain anticipated the 1980s. The 1970s, it seems, have little to define them except, perhaps, their nothingness. Peter Carroll, one of the earliest historians of the age, even titled his study It Seemed Like Nothing Happened (1982). Historical events, of course, occurred. The Kent State shootings, the Christmas bombing of Hanoi and Haiphong, the resignation of Nixon, the energy crisis, and the Iran hostage crisis all transpired during the course of the decade, but they are events identified with the spirit of the revolutionary 1960s or the avaricious 1980s.–Read More Here.

Source: “Introduction.” American Decades. Ed. Judith S. Baughman, et al. Vol. 8: 1970-1979. Detroit: Gale, 2001. Gale U.S. History In Context. Web. 16 July 2012.

Join us this week for these “Between the Decades” Programs.

Decades Documentaries – Tupperware (1970s) – Tuesday, July 17 @ 2PM – Charting the invention and subsequent phenomenon surrounding the exciting new plastic containers that became a gigantic hit with American housewives, TUPPERWARE! is a humorous, informative documentary featuring some classic historical stock footage.

Decade Dancing: 1970’s! – Thursday, July 19 @ 6:30PM – Let’s get Disco Fever! Learn the dances of the decades and join us for an evening of music and movement! All Ages. Please register.

Decades Movies: Jesus Christ Superstar (1970s) – Friday, July 20 @ 2PM – Rock opera musical version of the last days of Christ. (1973, 107min, G)

Sewickley Antique Roadshow – Saturday, July 21 @ 1:30PM – Carol Foster, Accredited Senior Appraiser, will evaluate antiques that are hand-carried to this event. Each person may bring two items. Items such as dolls, toys, glassware, paintings, vintage clothing and silver are accepted. Jewelry, stamps and coins are not included. Registration is required as space is limited. The charge is $5.00 per item, and part of the proceeds will be donated to the library. Photos of your item may be submitted before the event to enable preliminary research. Please email photos to sewickley@einetwork.net or drop them off at the Reference Desk. Please register.